Earn Physical Education class credits for Karate
Highline School District
You will need to speak with your school’s Athletics Director about Directed Athletics.
Here’s a link for the program: https://www.highlineschools.org/about/board-policies/policy-details/~board/board-policies/post/procedure-2409-p4-credit-for-competencyproficiency
A couple of key points about karate…
Karate has no season. We go year round. Talk with your school’s Athletics Director about the 80-hour guideline and deadlines.
Less than 5 unexcused absences - There are multiple ways of making up for a missed class. NW School of Karate has multiple classes per day, classes on Saturdays and classes during school breaks.
Please continue to check your email for updates on tournaments, seminars, and belt tests. Your Athletics Director might want to include these in your plan. Please note testing is by your sensei’s invitation only.
Please feel free to email NW School of Karate’s Operations Manager, Joelle White. Joelle took advantage of Directed Athletics to get PE credit for Karate in the Highline School District in the mid 1980s and is willing to share her insights and make suggestions. joelle@nwschoolofkarate.com